If you own a business or you are beginning a business and have a word, phrase or symbol that you use exclusively for your business[add comma] then you may have a trademark on this word or symbol…. When you have this information trademarked, you have various rights and claims to this information, and when another individual infringes on your rights to this word or phrase[add comma] then you have a trademark dispute.
Various disputes can arise for many different reasons; this is important as these issues can generally be resolved peacefully and without any legal interference or hostile courtroom proceedings. An individual may negligently use your trademark in a domain name as they believe this specific phrase to be pertinent to the information that they wish to provide. There have been many cases in the past where an individual accidentally used a trademark for a domain name or another purpose.
If you are unable to peacefully resolve the issue with the infringing individual, then you will greatly benefit from the legal assistance of a representative from our firm.
The Brennan Law Firm, LLC has the skill and the experience that you need on your side. We understand trademark and intellectual property law and have spent many years practicing this and helping to resolve the various disputes that arise. A Maryland civil litigation lawyer from the firm will be able to answer your questions regarding your specific case and provide you with discussion and advice regarding the best action for you to take.
If the need arises, we will be able to defend your rights in court and fight to help you achieve your goals and desires regarding the future of your trademark. Contact the firm today for legal assistance in your case.