While there are many cases where landlords can be very agreeable and tenants comply with their lease agreement, there are still numerous cases where various disagreements can arise due to a lack of communication, a struggling business, and even malicious action on one or both of their parts. When a dispute arises and there is no documentation to support either end of the disagreement, it is important to retain legal counsel as the case can go to court and the process of presenting a case can be very difficult for the uninitiated. If there is documentation to back you up, you will still greatly benefit from the assistance of our firm as we will be able to aggressively advocate for your legal rights and we will fight to see that your contract or agreement is upheld.
Some of the issues that can result in a dispute between a landlord and a tenant include the proper time at which the rent is due, who is responsible for repairs or damage to property on the premises, renewal options, and lease termination. When there is a disagreement, it is important to attempt to handle the situation in the most calm and mature way possible. Even if you are completely agreeable and understanding, there are still cases where the opposing party will not listen to reason. This is where we come in. A Maryland civil litigation lawyer from The Brennan Law Firm, LLC will be able to provide you with advice, counsel, and advocacy to ensure that both the obligations of the parties that arise under the law as well as the parties' agreements under the lease are given the weight they deserve in light of the facts.
The attorneys of The Brennan Law Firm, LLC have been serving Maryland residents for a long time and have a long history of success in the cases we have handled. Contact the firm today to discuss your case and how we can help you.